

Server Information

MOTD A Minecraft Server
Server Status Offline Checked 44 minutes ago / Online 19 days ago
Players 0/20
Location United Kingdom United Kingdom
Minecraft Version 1.20.1
Website https://legendscraft.tebex.io/
Registered By sticko5757
Registered Since June 9th, 2023 01:03 PM EST
Last Update June 9th, 2023 01:03 PM EST
Theme Medieval
Tag(s) Economy McMMO PvP Ranks Spigot Survival


Uptime 23%
Vote(s) 0
Rank 6780
Score 0
Favorited 0

About This Server

Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure like no other. Our server offers a captivating gameplay experience with a dynamic economy, engaging quests, and land protection for all players.

Immerse yourself in our thriving in-game economy, centered around crate keys. Acquire these keys using in-game currency and unlock crates to discover unique and valuable items. With a wide range of rewards, you'll always have something exciting to aim for as you progress.

Protect your hard-earned creations by claiming land. Our land protection system ensures that your builds remain safe from griefing and unwanted interference. Focus on building, exploring, and expanding your empire without worrying about unauthorized modifications.

Unleash your inner adventurer through our carefully crafted quests. Embark on epic journeys, solve puzzles, and conquer challenges to earn exclusive rewards, experience points, and valuable resources. Engage with a vibrant community of fellow players as you embark on quests together or compete for leaderboard rankings.

Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a curious newcomer, our server provides a welcoming environment for players of all skill levels. Join us and become part of our friendly and thriving community.

Come and experience the ultimate Minecraft adventure on [Server Name]. Join us today and let the journey begin!

What is the server IP for LegendsCraft?

The IP address of LegendsCraft Minecraft server is

How do I play on the LegendsCraft Minecraft server?

Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the "Play" button, then select "Multiplayer" from the main menu.

Click the "Add Server" button to open the server information form then copy & paste the IP Address in the "Server Address" box then press click on "Done" button.

Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the "Join Server" button to play on LegendsCraft.

What Minecraft game version does LegendsCraft server support?

LegendsCraft supports Minecraft version: 1.20.1.

Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility.

Where is the LegendsCraft Minecraft Server being hosted?

The LegendsCraft server is currently hosted in United Kingdom with an uptime of 23%.

What gamemodes can I play on the LegendsCraft Minecraft Server?

You can play Economy, McMMO, PvP, Ranks, Spigot, Survival on the LegendsCraft server.

What is the website for the LegendsCraft Minecraft Server?

The website link for LegendsCraft is https://legendscraft.tebex.io/.
Minecraft and associated Minecraft images are copyright of Mojang and Microsoft.

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